Monday, 22 October 2012

Chemistry homework

The new chemistry homework regime involves a weekly task to be completed for Wednesday. I will generally aim to set this on Monday of week B and on Friday of week B for the following Wednesday in each case. Wednesday hand-ins mean that those of you who don't manage to finish the work can stay at the end of the lesson to receive some help with doing so!

For this week there are actually two tasks - one has 'rolled forward' from last week.

1) Produce your own annotated diagrams illustrating and explaining the effect that concentration, gas pressure and temperature have on reaction rates. The diagram I gave you last Wednesday illustrating how Collision Theory can be used to explain the effect of surface area on reaction rate can serve as inspiration.

This might also help:
This is the collision simulator we looked at last week:

Your diagrams should show a) what effect increasing the temperature / concentration / pressure has on the reaction rate, b) how it affects the number and/or energy of collisions between particles and c) the link between these.

2) Write a method section and draw a neat results table and graph for today's practical:
Your method section should include:
  • Your IV, DV and control variables 
  • The range and interval of your IV 
  • A list of equipment, and brief instructions for its use, including a diagram 
  • A risk assessment – what could go wrong (hazards), the risk of these and how this can be reduced 
  • Sources of error and how these could be reduced
Your graph should show reaction rate (1/time in seconds) against concentration of HCl.

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