Sunday, 7 October 2012

Physics P2: 

A double set of revisions is now available for the Y11yqSc group, in Kerboodle.

The set will remain available until the end of the week (Sunday the 14th of October), by which time you should have completed all the tasks requested.
Kerboodle is a useful place where to start your revision and check your skills.
Your access to the resources and the results will obviously be monitored and recorded and marked (by yourself when prompted).

A new set of revision material and a certain amount of PPT resources will be available shortly on the ELECTRICITY and CHARGE topic.

Have a re-CHARGING weekend and see you all next week!

Dr. Pontecorvi

PS I) If you cannot access Kerboodle, you must contact me at and I will define a day and time when manually amend your accounts.
PS II) Please check whether you have also access to Physics for You book within Kerboodle website: such resources have been set for you and you should be able to use it.

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